Thursday 18 July 2019

Helmet 6

"Helmet 6" you said. The old scientist grabbed and then put the helmet on your head. He went back to his station and started the procedure.
You felt electricity running from the helmet to your body, you were screaming in pain as youfelt the electricity might burn your body from the inside. You can feel pain to your entire body.

The pain went of for a few minuts which felt like hours. When the machine was turned down and the electricit stopped, you were gasoing for air. Your entire body felt numb.
"Still alive?" the old scientist asked with a giggle, as he approached you.
"Magnificient! All of my hard work finally resulted in a great success!" the old scientist exclaimed which followed by his little celebration laugh.

"What have you done to me?" you asked, but noticed that your sound was a bit off.
"See for yourself!" The old scientist said, as he pressed a button to release your strap. You fell down to the floor, and standing up was differnt now. You noticed how your body centre of graity has shifted, as you struggle to keep your balance.

You finally able to stand up straight, the old scientist pulled a full body mirror towards you. In the reflection of the mirror was a gorgeous naked woman.
"No way! Am I really her??!!" You said, and watched as the woman in the mirror also moved er mouth as you moved yours, mimicking every movement you made.
You cupped your inflated breasts, and they felt very real and soft. You moved your hand tou your new private area, and you were greeted by a weird tingling sensation as your finger touched your clit. You unexpectedly let out a soft moan.
"Hmm.. Sexual organ seems to be showing a good response." The old scientist said as he inspected your behavior.
"Okay, you'll back to your cell. We'll run tests on your new body tomorrow. You should get some rest... Guards!" The old scientist said as the guards entered the room and escorted you back to your cell.
They left you alone in the cell, without any clothes. You were standing there naked.  Looking down at your new skin, you couldn't believe that they managed to alter your body into opposite gender. And even if they release you someday, noone will ever recognize you anymore with that new body.

You lay down on the cold concrete floor, getting ready to get some rest so yu'll be prepared for tomorrow. But maybe you can spend some time getting to know your body better...

1 comment:

  1. Eh, now you will tell after the guards get through with you if the grass is really greener on the other side of the fence guinea pig! The old scientist is too old to find for himself so he chose you. Have fun HaHaHa.
